Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, June 29, 2012
Galaxy and Galactose are from the Greek gala/galactos "milk" (also the origin of lactation), generalized after the...
Galaxy and Galactose are from the Greek gala/galactos "milk" (also the origin of lactation), generalized after the name of the best Galaxy - my home. 


Ukrainians are stumped, because for them it's not the spilled milk, but spilled salt i.e. http://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Чумацький_Шлях Злопыхатели-москалi інсинуірують що "Чумак" походить вiд "чума", але Українці знають що воно походить від турецького слова čоmаk (булава, довга палиця), уйгурського čоmаk (сильний, дужий), а хто не погоджується, того очманілі сильнi i дужi Українці булавою або палицею по чайнику.


Азартная игра "Громозека", to which I was introduced when I was 14, when our school N 145 was sent to a collective...
Азартная игра "Громозека", to which I was introduced when I was 14, when our school N 145 was sent to a collective farm to pick/weed/load crops, like horseradish, apples, nobody seem to remember the rules anymore. So it falls to me to write it up to the best of my recollection:

Arbitrary number of players sit around a table and bet money in increments of 5 copeks = 1 hand, by putting coins consecutively on the table. For each round, the maximum allowed number of hands for 1 player is 10, called Громозека. Then a random number is chosen in some way I don't remember, and the winning coin is chosen by counting consecutively counter-clock-wise from the first coin to the right of the previous winner. Winner takes all the coins on the table, and must play next round Громозекой.


Громозеку озвучивал: Василий Ливанов
Тайна третьей планеты


Игра в пекаря was very popular in my yard, when I was at most 11. Our rules were very similar to the canonical ones:
Игра в пекаря was very popular in my yard, when I was at most 11. Our rules were very similar to the canonical ones:


We played with a large tin can, on concrete slabs (conveniently making the "field"), right here:
The slabs are probably gone now.


Excellent collection of boy activities in USSR in 1980's-1990's.
Excellent collection of boy activities in USSR in 1980's-1990's.

Дети перестройки: чем мы себя развлекали

This brings back lots of memories. I am amazed at the near-identical details in geographically widely-separated areas. The difference almost entirely driven by the available stuff (материально-техническая база).

I am ashamed I didn't realize when I was 10, that it's better to cover carbide with a bucket, before pouring water and setting it on fire. 

One thing I never saw described online, is so-called "Змей Горыныч" (не путать с дымовухой (целлулоид/etc) или джинн (гидроперит+фиксаж)), so I can't exclude the possibility that it was unique for us, as unlikely as it sounds. I'll write it up, especially if I come up with a way to reproduce it.

The post, and the comments, keep referring to sticking low-voltage 2000 μF capacitor into 220v socket to have it explode. Now, that's just stupid. You stick 10 μF, 400v capacitor in there! Then you stick it you know where. Hint: it involves 2 Soviet-style pushpins (канцелярские кнопки)

Note the other links at the end (didn't read yet)
Дети перестройки-2: Часть 1. БЫТ
Дети перестройки-2: Часть 2. ИГРУШКИ
Дети перестройки-2: Часть 3. ЭЛЕКТРОНИКА
Дети перестройки-2: Часть 4. Как мы одевались
Дети перестройки-2: Часть 5. КОЛЛЕКЦИИ


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