Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, December 14, 2018
Boeing 737 Passenger Jet Damaged in Possible Midair Drone Hit



Man who drove a $1M Bugatti Veyron into a lake is going to jail
Man who drove a $1M Bugatti Veyron into a lake is going to jail
A Texas man who may or may not have purchased a $1 million car for the express purpose of driving it into a lagoon was sentenced to more than a year in prison Tuesday [..] drove [2006 Bugatti Veyron] into the Gulf Bay lagoon. [...] said he was distracted by a "low-flying pelican"


MLPerf v0.5: Covering the AI Training Waterfront

MLPerf currently consists of tests that time network training in seven application areas, starting with the classic standby of training ResNet-50 on ImageNet. It adds lightweight and heavyweight Object Detection (COCO), Recurrent and non-Recurrent Translation (WMT E-G), Recommendation (MovieLens-20M), and Reinforcement Learning (Mini Go).


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