Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, September 19, 2011
"Where Hedgehogs are Illegal"
"Where Hedgehogs are Illegal"
Hedgehogs are illegal in the entire state of California. California has a law that deems all animals not specifically listed as legal under State law as being illegal by default. Until such time as California's Department of Fish and Game is willing to consider hedgehogs for legal status, they will continue to be considered contraband pets and may be confiscated and either moved out of state or destroyed.

(via Vadim Zaliva )


Marianna and her teacher Louis demonstrate Yoga at Google Indian Independence Day 2010
Marianna and her teacher Louis demonstrate Yoga at Google Indian Independence Day 2010

Google IID 2010: Maharashtrian and Yoga

The URL should take you to the 5m15s mark. If it doesn't, it's because your client is broken (i.e. apple fanboys)


For her 45th birthday, which is coming at some indeterminate time way in the future, Marianna wants a 45 lb pink...
For her 45th birthday, which is coming at some indeterminate time way in the future, Marianna wants a 45 lb pink kettlebell. I hope iron one. In preparation, she took a kettlebell class. There she learned that there are 2 competing kettlebell schools. "Russian" and "International". Russian is all about taking the largest kettlebell and lifting it, huffing and puffing and growling and exhaling. "International' one is all about the flow. "Be the Kettlebell". At the class she is lifting 35 lb kettlebell, which is approximately 1 russian pood. 36 lb is almost exactly 1 russian pood.


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