Oleg Zabluda's blog
Thursday, March 08, 2012
In time-lapse sunsets in Australia, shown on American TV, even in educational programs, the Sun always goes...
In time-lapse sunsets in Australia, shown on American TV, even in educational programs, the Sun always goes left-to-right, just like it does in US. What's up with that?

For a long time, I though that they simply take some random Northern Hemisphere sunset video from a random latitude and random time of year, and pretend it's from Australia. But yesterday, while watching "Million Dollar Moon Rock Heist" on National Geographic Channel, we saw it with Sydney Opera House on the foreground. What the hell? How do they even do it? Reflect video on purpose? Show Sunrise in reverse?

If there anything that pisses me off more than various scientific imprecisions in poetry, songs, and Japanese art, it's astronomical imprecision on TV.

Here is how it really looks like:
Sydney Harbour Bridge sunset Timelapse


Full Moon on 2012-03-08. Looking back on Earth from the Moon

Full Moon on 2012-03-08. Looking back on Earth from the Moon


Happy International Women's day. Appropriately, you can see Venus, but Mars is right behind you, since it just passed opposition on Mar 3 2012.


In fact, Mars is stuck in Leo Oct 2011 - Jun 2012, retrograding back and forth and what have you.


Tevatron confirms a 115-135 GeV Higgs Boson
Tevatron confirms a 115-135 GeV Higgs Boson

Gasp! But this contradicts Pauli's other exclusion principle: fermions are discovered in the US, whereas bosons are discovered in Europe.http://resonaances.blogspot.com/2008/05/paulis-other-principle.html
(except electron, which is an experimental error)

No to worry. Lubos Motl declared Higgs discovery at LHC to be a sure thing back in Dec 2011:
Everything is cool. Nothing to see here. Move along.


New (to me) realization is that, although it's advantageous to initially sample at, say 192 kHz, for the usual...
New (to me) realization is that, although it's advantageous to initially sample at, say 192 kHz, for the usual antializasing, the audio signal can be immediately downsampled to 44.1 kHz, because digital (unlike analog) low-pass filters have no problem doing it, as they can be of arbitrary order, no problem.



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