Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, July 31, 2017
FLASHBACK: RINO John McCain Campaigns on Repealing Obamacare (VIDEO)
FLASHBACK: RINO John McCain Campaigns on Repealing Obamacare (VIDEO)
McCain [...] killing the ‘skinny’ version of an Obamacare repeal bill. In a 2016 re-election campaign ad, McCain branded himself a leader in the fight against Obamacare.


Obama Mocks Drill, Baby, Drill: ‘The American People Aren’t Stupid’ (2012)
Obama Mocks Drill, Baby, Drill: ‘The American People Aren’t Stupid’ (2012)
You can bet that since it’s an election year, [Republicans] are already dusting off their 3-point plan for $2 gas. And I’ll save you the suspense. Step one is to drill and step two is to drill. And then step three is to keep drilling. (Laughter.) We heard the same line in 2007 when I was running for President. We hear the same thing every year. We’ve heard the same thing for 30 years.

Well, the American people aren’t stupid. They know that’s not a plan, especially since we’re already drilling. That’s a bumper sticker. It’s not a strategy to solve our energy challenge. (Applause.) That’s a strategy to get politicians through an election.

You know there are no quick fixes to this problem. You know we can’t just drill our way to lower gas prices.

Remarks by the President on Energy (Feb 2012)


Today we are pleased to announce the release of MobileNets, a family of mobile-first computer vision models for TensorFlow, designed to effectively maximize accuracy while being mindful of the restricted resources for an on-device or embedded application. MobileNets are small, low-latency, low-power models parameterized to meet the resource constraints of a variety of use cases. They can be built upon for classification, detection, embeddings and segmentation similar to how other popular large scale models, such as Inception, are used.

This release contains the model definition for MobileNets in TensorFlow using TF-Slim, as well as 16 pre-trained ImageNet classification checkpoints for use in mobile projects of all sizes. The models can be run efficiently on mobile devices with TensorFlow Mobile. Choose the right MobileNet model to fit your latency and size budget.


The Washington Post’s New Social Media Policy Forbids Disparaging Advertisers
The Washington Post’s New Social Media Policy Forbids Disparaging Advertisers
A new social-media policy at the Washington Post prohibits conduct on social media that “adversely affects The Post’s customers, advertisers, subscribers, vendors, suppliers or partners.” In such cases, Post management reserves the right to take disciplinary action “up to and including termination of employment.”



A Model of the Primordial Lunar Atmosphere (2017)
A Model of the Primordial Lunar Atmosphere (2017)
We create the first quantitative model for the early lunar atmosphere, coupled with a magma ocean crystallization model. Immediately after formation, the moon's surface was subject to a radiative environment that included contributions from the early Sun, a post-impact Earth that radiated like a mid-type M dwarf star, and a cooling global magma ocean. This radiative environment resulted in a largely Earth-side atmosphere on the Moon, ranging from ∼104 to ∼102 pascals, composed of heavy volatiles (Na and SiO). This atmosphere persisted through lid formation and was additionally characterized by supersonic winds that transported significant quantities of moderate volatiles and likely generated magma ocean waves.


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