Oleg Zabluda's blog
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Everything is "bullshit" in the colloquial sense (as opposed to the pejorative one) because everything we know or believe is simply a human construct based on a pyramid of prevailing attitudes and preferences in the present moment. All one need do is recognize that yesterday's truths are today's heresies to realize that there is no right or wrong, there is only what is, and any judgment of it derives from our ability to perceive it, our ability to understand it, and the workings of our mind to draw conclusions and projections from it, which workings are not only for the most part severely constrained in capacity but so affected by factors beyond our understanding or control as to render them largely arbitrary and/or unreliable. There is no right path for humanity, and consequently there is no such thing as justice. There are no true laws but the laws of physics. And everything we do is simply a way to bide our time until we die.


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