Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, May 07, 2012
Verizon sales reps push 4G Android over iPhone 4S
Verizon sales reps push 4G Android over iPhone 4S
When people come to a Verizon store asking to buy an iPhone 4, sales reps steer them towards any of the 50 Mbps/50ms 4G Android phones, claiming (correctly) that iPhone is obsolete, running at 1 Mbps/500ms 3G (name notwithstanding). Verizon payed billions of dollars for 4G spectrum and equipment, and doesn't want it go to waste due to the iPhone. Verizon also has to pay higher subsidies to Apple then to other manufacturers. What goes around, comes around.

In completely unrelated news, Android reclaims 61 percent of all U.S. smartphone sales in Q1 2012, while iPhone is back down to 29%.



Excerpts form the book "The Sun's Heartbeat" (p. 144)
Excerpts form the book "The Sun's Heartbeat" (p. 144)

"How did the Apollo astronauts manage to steer around all those stars on their way to the Moon?"

"If the [solar] eclipse is so dangerous [to look at], why are they having it?"

"If the Sun is a star, why can't we see it at night?"



Hubble cannot look at the Sun directly, so astronomers are planning to point the telescope at Earth’s Moon and use...
Hubble cannot look at the Sun directly, so astronomers are planning to point the telescope at Earth’s Moon and use it as a mirror to capture reflected sunlight. During the transit a small fraction of that light will have passed through Venus’s atmosphere and imprinted on that light astronomers expect to find the fingerprints of the planet’s atmospheric makeup.

Originally shared by Kiril Serebnik


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