Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, December 10, 2018
Roger, a buff red kangaroo who made his home at a sanctuary in Australia but achieved renown worldwide for his impressive musculature, has died at the age of 12.

Roger was rescued as an orphaned joey; he was trapped inside his dead mother's pouch when a man named Chris Barns discovered him and decided to found a kangaroo sanctuary. [...] Roger grew up to be the alpha male of the community. And — as the Internet noted in sometimes uncomfortable awe — what an alpha male he was.

The kangaroo stood 6 feet, 7 inches tall and weighed nearly 200 pounds, according to the sanctuary.

Every now and again, photos of him would make the rounds online, inspiring the same admiring words. Muscle-bound. Super buff. Massive. Beefcake.
Those muscles weren't just for looks. Roger was a ferocious fighter.

Barns — the man who founded The Kangaroo Sanctuary after he found Roger as a tiny joey — has the scars to prove it.

We should note that Barns, like Roger, is 6 feet, 7 inches tall, and no shrinking violet. He spoke to Australia's Traveller website:

" 'He's a big boy, and very aggressive,' says Chris, lifting his shirt to show off some war wounds.

" 'That's Roger,' he says pointing at one scar. 'That's Roger too. There are another six stitches on my groin. They're Roger.'

" 'Basically he's just a fighter,' says Chris. 'It's natural for an alpha male. He likes to see the threat go, so will always come out to confront you. If he grabs you, he doesn't let go. You can't get out easily. It's a chokehold. As for a well-placed kick, it can disembowel you.' "
In recent months, the Kangaroo Sanctuary described Roger as "retired," a reference to the fact that he was no longer the alpha male there.

His son Monty took over "after a quick kickboxing match with Roger," the Kangaroo Sanctuary said last year.

You may not be astonished to learn that Monty, too, has an impressive physique.


Oy Vey, Can You See?
Oy Vey, Can You See?


Seven Laws of Noah
Seven Laws of Noah
The Seven Laws of Noah [...] are a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God as a binding set of laws for the "children of Noah" – that is, all of humanity.

Accordingly, any non-Jew who adheres to these laws because they were given by Moses is regarded as a righteous gentile, and is assured of a place in the world to come, the final reward of the righteous.

The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:

1. Not to worship idols.
2. Not to curse God.
3. To establish courts of justice.
4. Not to commit murder.
5. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality.
6. Not to steal.
7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal.

According to the Talmud, the rabbis agree that the seven laws were given to the sons of Noah. However, they disagree on precisely which laws were given to Adam and Eve. Six of the seven laws are exegetically derived from passages in Genesis, with the seventh being the establishing of courts.
The Talmud lists the punishment for blaspheming the Ineffable Name of God as death. The sons of Noah are to be executed by decapitation for most crimes, considered one of the lightest capital punishments, by stoning if he has intercourse with a Jewish betrothed woman, or by strangulation if the Jewish woman has completed the marriage ceremonies, but had not yet consummated the marriage.
Maimonides states that anyone who does not accept the seven laws is to be executed, as God compelled the world to follow these laws. However, for the other prohibitions such as the grafting of trees and bestiality he holds that the sons of Noah are not to be executed. Maimonides adds a universalism lacking from earlier Jewish sources. The Talmud differs from Maimonides in that it considers the seven laws enforceable by Jewish authorities on non-Jews living within a Jewish nation. Nahmanides disagrees with Maimonides reasoning. He limits the obligation of enforcing the seven laws to non-Jewish authorities taking the matter out of Jewish hands. The Tosafot seems to agree with Nahmanides reasoning. According to some opinions, punishment is the same whether the individual transgresses with knowledge of the law or is ignorant of the law.

Various rabbinic sources have different positions on the way the seven laws are to be subdivided in categories. Maimonides', in his Mishneh Torah, included the grafting of trees. Like the Talmud, he interpreted the prohibition against homicide as including a prohibition against abortion. David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra, a commentator on Maimonides, expressed surprise that he left out castration and sorcery which were also listed in the Talmud.

The Talmudist Ulla said that here are 30 laws which the sons of Noah took upon themselves. However he only lists three, namely the three that the Gentiles follow: not to create a Ketubah between males, not to sell carrion or human flesh in the market and to respect the Torah. The rest of the laws are not listed. Though the authorities seem to take it for granted that Ulla's thirty commandments included the original seven, an additional thirty laws is also possible from the reading. Two different lists of the 30 laws exist.
In recent years, the term "Noahide" has come to refer to non-Jews who strive to live in accord with the seven Noahide Laws [...] To various modern theologians the Noahide laws represent the inclusive nature of Judaism because they affirm the equality of Jews and non-Jews. To other intellectuals these seven laws represent natural law which are accessible to all through intellect and do not require revelation. According to Robert Eison the second stream of thought ignores how a non-Jew could access these laws without the Jewish revelations. [...] To Eisen, the Noahide laws represent more of a barrier between Jews and non-Jews, because non-Jews are forbidden to observe Jewish laws.
In 1987 President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation speaking of "the historical tradition of ethical values and principles, which have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws, transmitted through God to Moses on Mount Sinai", [OZ: because Noah was illiterate?] and in 1991, Congress stated in the preamble to the 1991 bill that established Education Day in honor of the birthday of Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the leader of the Chabad movement:

Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws


Fletcher Airplane Cropdusting New Zealand 1996.
Fletcher Airplane Cropdusting New Zealand 1996.
A Pacific Aerospace FU24-950 (Fletcher) airplane cropdusting (Topdressing). Each trip a load of 1 ton. Pilot Peter Whetton. Location Te Awamutu North Island New Zealand October, 1996.


"Партийная организация и партийная литература" (1905) В. И. Ленин
"Партийная организация и партийная литература" (1905) В. И. Ленин
господа буржуазные индивидуалисты, мы должны сказать вам, что ваши речи об абсолютной свободе одно лицемерие. В обществе, основанном на власти денег, в обществе, где нищенствуют массы трудящихся и тунеядствуют горстки богачей, не может быть "свободы" реальной и действительной. Свободны ли вы от вашего буржуазного издателя, господин писатель? от вашей буржуазной публики, которая требует от вас порнографии в романах и картинах, проституции в виде "дополнения" к "святому" сценическому искусству? Ведь эта абсолютная свобода есть буржуазная или анархическая фраза (ибо, как миросозерцание, анархизм есть вывернутая наизнанку буржуазность).

Жить в обществе и быть свободным от общества нельзя. Свобода буржуазного писателя, художника, актрисы есть лишь замаскированная (или лицемерно маскируемая) зависимость от денежного мешка, от подкупа, от содержания.

И мы, социалисты, разоблачаем это лицемерие, срываем фальшивые вывески, - не для того, чтобы получить неклассовую литературу и искусство (это будет возможно лишь в социалистическом внеклассовом обществе), а для того, чтобы лицемерно-свободной, а на деле связанной с буржуазией, литературе противопоставить действительно-свободную, открыто связанную с пролетариатом литературу. Это будет свободная литература, потому что не корысть и не карьера, а идея социализма и сочувствие трудящимся будут вербовать новые и новые силы в ее ряды.

Это будет свободная литература, потому что она будет служить не пресыщенной героине, не скучающим и страдающим от ожирения "верхним десяти тысячам", а миллионам и десяткам миллионов трудящихся, которые составляют цвет страны, ее силу, ее будущность.
За работу же, товарищи! Перед нами трудная и новая, но великая и благодарная задача - организовать обширное, разностороннее, разнообразное литературное дело в тесной и неразрывной связи с социал-демократическим рабочим движением. Вся социал-демократическая литература должна стать партийной. Все газеты, журналы, издательства и т. д. должны приняться немедленно за реорганизационную работу, за подготовку такого положения, чтобы они входили целиком на тех или иных началах в те или иные партийные организации. Только тогда "социал-демократическая" литература станет таковой на самом деле, только тогда она сумеет выполнить свой долг, только тогда она сумеет и в рамках буржуазного общества вырваться из рабства у буржуазии и слиться с движением действительно передового и до конца революционного класса.


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