Oleg Zabluda's blog
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Oleg vs 185lb barbell in HD (benchpress edition)
Oleg vs 185lb barbell in HD (benchpress edition)

I pressed 185 lb (84 kg) for the first time Jul 16, 2011. This changed everything. Sept 29, 2011 could do 1x3x185lb (1 set of 3 repetitions) and 3x3x185lb (3 sets of 3 repetitions) a couple of months later, which is my current plateau for the past 4 months.


Это тянет на 1-й юношеский разряд по пауэрлифтингу. Работаем над 3-м взрослым.


Window shopping chinchilla with Marianna Dizik

Window shopping chinchilla with Marianna Dizik


"Best friends forever" or "куда идем мы с Пятачком" or "Марьяша и медведь"

"Best friends forever" or "куда идем мы с Пятачком" or "Марьяша и медведь"


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