Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, October 15, 2018
Четыре мушкетёра, или Почему опасно перечитывать романы Дюма
Четыре мушкетёра, или Почему опасно перечитывать романы Дюма


while half the country is making fun of "Pocahontas" being an embarrassment to Pocahontas (just for kicks) the other...
while half the country is making fun of "Pocahontas" being an embarrassment to Pocahontas (just for kicks) the other half correctly [1] claims that she indeed is an Indian (within the test's margin of error).

KKK, a Democrat institution at the time, had a "one-drop rule'' meaning that a single drop of "black blood" makes a person a black.

In comparison, for Nazis it was way too extreme, a Jew had to have a Jewish ancestor within two generations.

[1] a standard drop is 1/20 mL. an average adult has 5 L of blood. the KKK standard is log2(5e3*20)=16 generations, which is within the estimate of the good professor, who didn't supply any probabilities AFAIK.



в 145 школе физик Мучник на лабе по определению плотности жидкостей подло подсовывал какое-то масло с плотностыо 1.2...
в 145 школе физик Мучник на лабе по определению плотности жидкостей подло подсовывал какое-то масло с плотностыо 1.2 и безжалостно ставил двойку всем кто типа мерял 0.8. и еще ржал капая его в воду на глазах изумлённой публики.


First Commandment is
First Commandment is
I am the Lord thy God and thou shalt not have other gods before me.

without it, the other 9 make no sense (i.e. who cares). However, we still have a classic bootstrap problem. Without First Commandment being axiomatic, First Commandment itself makes no sense.

The solution is a 3-stage bootstrap (just like that of a compiler [1]).

Stage 1. Read First Commandment. Now you know that "I am the Lord thy God"
Stage 2. Read First Commandment. Now you believe that ""I am the Lord thy God".
Stage 3. Read First Commandment. Compare your belief in the First Commandment to that after Stage 2. If they are identical, there are no obvious bugs in the First Commandment or your brain.

Now you can read the rest of the Commandments.

[1] See 3-stage bootstrap of the compiler.


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