Oleg Zabluda's blog
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Encouraged by the success of the Philemon video, I made an even more avantgarde one: "Wild Goose chase".
Encouraged by the success of the Philemon video, I made an even more avantgarde one: "Wild Goose chase". However, Pasha Shapiro said nothing, and he was right. It collected only 12 views (probably all 12 from me myself). Weird shit.

Wild Goose chase


Philemon the Scorpion is an internet sensation.
Philemon the Scorpion is an internet sensation. The number of views reached 100K. When I first posted it to Facebook, Pasha Shapiro immediately recognized the avantgarde cinematography (because he is a video expect) and I didn't (because I am not). Some people dislike the video (like-dislike is 82-82 now). How can anyone not like our Philya?!

2011-07-26: 1 K views
2011-08-03: 2 K views
2011-08-16: 4 K views
2011-09-03: 8 K views
2011-09-23: 16 K views
2011-10-03: 32 K views
2011-10-15: 64 K views
2011-10-24: 100 K views
2011-11-12: 200 K views


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