Oleg Zabluda's blog
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Self-Driving Cars (starring Billy the Beacon) - Objectivity #181



Nutrition Studies That Backed Obama-Era School Lunch Programs Get Retracted
Nutrition Studies That Backed Obama-Era School Lunch Programs Get Retracted
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network announced Wednesday that it has retracted six papers that included Cornell University food scientist Brian Wansink as an author.
His research was widely disseminated in major media and incorporated into government programs—most prominently [...] The Smarter Lunchrooms program was spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and designed by Wansink and his Cornell colleague David Just.
The sham data behind the Smarter Lunchrooms program was exposed last year by PhD student Nicholas Brown and by University of Liverpool profressor Eric Robinson. From there, more of Wansink's work started being called into question.
The six retracted papers include research into how serving bowl size effects the amount of food people eat in one sitting; how watching TV affects people's eating habits; why it's a bad idea to grocery shop while hungry; and how to get students to order healthier lunches. [...]

"Super bowls: serving bowl size and food consumption" (2005)

"Consequences of belonging to the 'clean plate club'" (2008)

"First foods most: after 18-hour fast, people drawn to starches first and vegetables last" (2012)

"Fattening fasting: hungry grocery shoppers buy more calories, not more food" (2013)

"Preordering school lunch encourages better food choices by children" (2013)

"Watch what you eat: action-related television content increases food intake" (2014)


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