Oleg Zabluda's blog
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
60 Single Leg Deep Squats. 10 squats x 3 sets x 2 legs on a raised concrete stand. All are done in 17 min.
60 Single Leg Deep Squats. 10 squats x 3 sets x 2 legs on a raised concrete stand. All are done in 17 min.

Left knee by my Maker. Right knee by Dr. Allan Mishra orthopedic surgeon. Don't tell him I am doing this or he'll kill me.

60 Deep Single-Leg Squats


30 Single Leg Deep Pistol Squats. 5 squats x 3 sets x 2 legs on flat concrete. All are done in 18 min.
30 Single Leg Deep Pistol Squats. 5 squats x 3 sets x 2 legs on flat concrete. All are done in 18 min.

Left knee by my Maker. Right knee by Dr. Allan Mishra orthopedic surgeon. Don't tell him I am doing this or he'll kill me.


ROTFL. It's sorta like when 2 snowflakes were predicted to hit SFBA, all the local newmedia and people were talking only about it for a week.

Originally shared by Danny Sullivan

After watching the CNN freakout over a quake that, if it had hit California, would barely warrant a two minute mention, this was a good laugh.


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