Oleg Zabluda's blog
Sunday, March 05, 2017

A small, thin, detailed

ugly gre

strip of metallic alloy, adorned with the


words Shield. It addresses one of
the biggest issues M.2 PCIe drives face

thermal throttling. Regardless of whether

for asti

you have $1.400 2TB Samsung 960 Pro, or writes.

a $120 256GB ADATA XPG 00, you're still not

going to encounter thermal issues. No matter how much it costs, at a

certain point, every drive begins to throttle.
Samsung claims that its new 960 Pro
drives dissipate just enough heat-thanks
to an intuitively designed heat-spreader
label" that's a thing)-that they don't
begin to throttle until after 333GB of data

has been transferred on to or across from

the device. That's a hefty figure, but as

you reduce price and investment, thermal

throttling becomes more of an issue.


This is where MSI comes in. The M.2 shield

is comprised of two components: the

metal top, and an additional thermal pad

below the guard. This touches the very

top of the memory chips on the M.2 drive,

drawing heat up and away from it, and into

what effectively becomes a heatsink. This

means that more aggressive workloads

can be handled for longer, without the drive

throttling-plus, it hides those god-awful

ugly green PCBs neatly away.

Keeping with storage, there's a few other

tidbits we really appreciated here, too. The

inclusion of three M.2 ports, RAID-enabled

for astronomical sequential reads and
writes, is a nice touch. And although we're
still not certain whether it's a dud or not.



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