Oleg Zabluda's blog
Sunday, January 06, 2019
Bruce Allen - gravitational waves
Bruce Allen - gravitational waves


The Daily Post: UPDATE: "Crime fighter" fights charges over shooting at Midtown Safeway.
The Daily Post: UPDATE: "Crime fighter" fights charges over shooting at Midtown Safeway.


An improved effective-one-body model of spinning, nonprecessing binary black holes for the era of gravitational-wave...
An improved effective-one-body model of spinning, nonprecessing binary black holes for the era of gravitational-wave astrophysics with advanced detectors (2017)
The Einstein Toolkit [78] is a collection of open source NR components built around the Cactus framework [79]. The initial data is computed in the Bowen-York formalism [80, 81] using TwoPunctures [82], with low eccentricity parameters determined through our implementation of [83] for the Einstein Toolkit. The time evolution is performed in the BSSN [84–86] formulation of the Einstein equations using McLachlan [87], and the BHs are evolved with the coordinate conditions of the moving-puncture method [88, 89] using 8th order accurate finite differencing. Adaptive mesh refinement, in which regions of high resolution follow the BHs, is provided by Carpet [90]. The near zone is computed using Cartesian grids, and the wave zone is computed on spherical grids using the Llama multipatch infrastructure [91], enabling the efficient computation of highaccuracy waveforms at large distances from the source. Apparent horizons are computed using AHFinderDirect [92] and spins are computed in the dynamical horizon formalism using QuasiLocalMeasures [93]. Gravitational waves are computed using WeylScal4, and the GW strain h is computed from the Newman-Penrose curvature component Ψ4 at finite radius r ∈ [100 M, 500 M] using fixed-frequency integration [94] with a cutoff frequency equal to 3/4 the initial waveform frequency, and extrapolated to J+ using second and first order extrapolation for the amplitude and phase respectively. WeylScal4 and McLachlan are both generated using the Kranc [95] automated-code-generation package. Simulations are managed using the Simulation Factory [96], and the BBH evolution parameters are based on the open source Einstein Toolkit GW150914 example [97]. Analysis and postprocessing is performed using the open-source SimulationTools [98] for Mathematica.


Keras-GAN, PyTorch-GAN
Keras-GAN, PyTorch-GAN
Auxiliary Classifier GAN
Adversarial Autoencoder
Bidirectional GAN
Boundary-Seeking GAN
Conditional GAN
Context-Conditional GAN
Context Encoder
Coupled GANs
Deep Convolutional GAN
Generative Adversarial Network
Semi-Supervised GAN
Super-Resolution GAN
Wasserstein GAN
Wasserstein GAN GP


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