Oleg Zabluda's blog
Sunday, September 25, 2016
A Machine Learning Approach to Visual Perception of Forest Trails for Mobile Robots (2016) A.
A Machine Learning Approach to Visual Perception of Forest Trails for Mobile Robots (2016) A. Giusti, [...] J. Schmidhuber, et al

On the Visual Perception of Forest Trails (paper, dataset)

Quadcopter Navigation in the Forest using Deep Neural Networks


Sunflowers. Expectation vs reality.
Sunflowers. Expectation vs reality.


ZenRobotics - Next Generation ZenRobotics Recycler - robotic sorting station
ZenRobotics - Next Generation ZenRobotics Recycler - robotic sorting station

You can see from this and their other videos that the picker is kinda primitive right now, will likely change.

When I was about a ~3 year old boy, I wanted to to be "мусорником", since garbage truck was the most advanced piece of machinery I've ever seen up to that point (stupid USSR). That dream of mine may become true yet.


Russia accused of war crimes in Syria at UN security council session
Russia accused of war crimes in Syria at UN security council session
Russia has been directly and repeatedly accused of war crimes at the UN security council in an unusually blunt session [...] Matthew Rycroft, the UK ambassador to the UN said during the emergency security council session on Syria on Sunday. [...] "that Russia is partnering with the Syrian regime to carry out war crimes.” [...] At the security council meeting, Rycroft’s French counterpart, François Delattre, agreed the use of bunker-busters and incendiaries on urban residential areas was a war crime. [...] “this week will go down in history as the one in which diplomacy failed and barbarism triumphed”.
The US ambassador, Samantha Power, [...] “What Russia is sponsoring and doing is not counter-terrorism. It is barbarism,”

The UN special envoy on Syria, Staffan de Mistura, said [...] “If it is confirmed, [...] may amount to war crimes.”

Russia could be guilty of war crimes in Syria, says Boris Johnson (UK Foreign secretary)


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