Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, August 05, 2011
A certain friend of our recently seriously got into auto racing.
A certain friend of our recently seriously got into auto racing. This is as good time as ever to remind him that it's the driver, not the equipment, that matters most.

Тимур Шаов, Чисто конкретно


There are Leopard Sharks (Triakis semifasciata) "Калифорнийская тройнозубая акула", and Stingrays aka Bat Ray...
There are Leopard Sharks (Triakis semifasciata) "Калифорнийская тройнозубая акула", and Stingrays aka Bat Ray (Myliobatis californica) "Орляковый скат" living in the Redwood Shores lagoon near our house. People fish them on frozen squid, which they buy in a nearby grocery store, then typically let them go. We like petting stingrays when they hang out near the shore, They are very smooth, tender and affectionate. Here are photos shot Apr 4 2010 right from our patio (right below the infamous bedroom window)

Stingray | ozabluda

Leopard sharks in Redwood Shores:

Sharks of SF Bay:


Freel Peak "chipmunk" video Aug 2003.
Freel Peak "chipmunk" video Aug 2003.

Freel peak is highest peak on Tahoe at 10886 ft = 3318 m, this was the highest Marianna could ever get at the time.

Freel Peak "chipmunk"

Golden-mantled ground squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis) "суслик золотистый" ukr: "ховрах золотистий". This squirrel is usually mistaken for a Chipmunk (Tamias) "Бурундук" . Chipmunks have stripes on their heads and five black stripes on their backs.

As you can tell, it was still time when we were feeding chipmunks. Later we learned 2 things. (1) it's not a chipmunk. (2) whatever it is, feeding them is wrong. Although because you can hear me say "Не давай им так много, они же зажрутся".


2002_05_18_Natalia_Lutsevich_Bday | ozabluda
2002_05_18_Natalia_Lutsevich_Bday | ozabluda


Marianna Dizik was tagged in Oleg Zabluda's album.

Marianna Dizik was tagged in Oleg Zabluda's album.


Жили у бабуси три веселых гуся

Жили у бабуси три веселых гуся,
Один - серый, другой - белый,
Третий полосатый.



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