Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, August 17, 2012
Mars, Saturn, and Spica are on the same line in Virgo. Good time to see Mars zip east night after night.

Mars, Saturn, and Spica are on the same line in Virgo. Good time to see Mars zip east night after night.

Virgo is Demeter, goddess of agriculture (holding Spica - Latin for "ear of wheat" [1]). Her daughter from Zeus is Persephone - the goddess of vegetation, which grew year round. Once, as Persephone was taking care of  vegetation in a field, the Earth split open, as if during an earthquake, and she was kidnapped by Hades, the god of the underworld [2]. At first she was playing hard to get [2], but soon fell in love with him.

Demeter went looking for her everywhere, and was inconsolable, neglecting her agricultural duties. Nothing was growing, people were starving, and where bitterly wailing, appealing to Zeus, to take care of it. No matter, he was not the boss of her [3]. Eventually, he had to tell Hades to give her up. Demeter was happy, and vegetation started growing again, but Persephone was in love with Hades and wanted to go back to him.

So they made a deal, Persephone would spend part of the year above ground with her mother, and part of the year in the underworld with Hades. That's when Persephone misses her, is very sad, and nothing grows. It is now called winter. That's also when we don't see Virgo (Demeter) because the Sun is in it or nearby (she is looking for Persephone).    

[1] compare to Spike, Spiny, Spoke.
[2] Or maybe that's what she wanted her mother to believe.
[3] His track record of controlling his women was abysmal.


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