Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, April 13, 2012
Android C++ NDK had RTTI, and exceptions since r5 (Dec 2010), as well as STLPort (originally by Boris Fomitchev).
Android C++ NDK had RTTI, and exceptions since r5 (Dec 2010), as well as STLPort (originally by Boris Fomitchev). Support for RTTI (but not exceptions, which are planned for the future) for STLPort was added in r7 (Nov 2011). At the same time, complete GNU libstdc++ v3, with STL, RTTI and exceptions was added. STLPort has a different license and debug mode.

The changes in r7 were courtesy of improved ARM support in GCC 4.4.0 (a lot of which, I presume, came from Android developers).

In addition to the standard places, a lot of good info is at


Two-cat-ta in D-ryer.
Two-cat-ta in D-ryer. Cat lovers get it. Photography, Internet and YouTube were invented for sharing cat photos/videos [1]. Others are dumbfounded. Normally, we wouldn't be able to help you, let me try, just this once. First of all. make sure you have a decent sound quality, especially if you have an Apple device. Put on some decent headphones or something.

'Inception' Trailer 2 HD (optional)
Zack Hemsey - Mind Heist (Inception Trailer music)
Inception Cat

Which leads to
Two-cat-ta in D-ryer (keep the fugue) by Oleg Zabluda
Hi-res photos:
CatsInWasher | ozabluda

P.S. "Two-cat-ta..." was made sorta as "Machete" fake trailer from "Grindhouse" by Tarantino. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grindhouse_(film)#Fictitious_trailers
Machete Trailer
If there is enough interest, I could make the whole clip, just like Tarantino did.


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