Oleg Zabluda's blog
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Lunarpedia | Volatile Recovery on the Moon
Lunarpedia | Volatile Recovery on the Moon
The major components (when regolith heated to 700 deg C) are:
(in order of abundance and compared to the abundance of Helium-3 by mass)

Hydrogen------(6,100 times Helium-3 by mass)
Water --------(3,300 times Helium-3 by mass)
Helium4 with a trace amount of [[Helium3] one part in 3,100 by mass
Carbon Monoxide-(1,900 times Helium-3 by mass)
Carbon Dioxide--(1,700 times Helium-3 by mass)
Methane-------(1,600 times Helium-3 by mass)
Nitrogen------(500 times Helium-3 by mass)
Other Inert gases, Neon and Radon

In-Situ Propellant Production
1 Hydrogen
2 Methanol
3 Ammonia
4 Methane
5 Silane
6 Sulphur
7 Aluminum
8 Silicon


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