Oleg Zabluda's blog
Saturday, October 07, 2017
This startup wants to clear cities of cigarette butts using crows
This startup wants to clear cities of cigarette butts using crows
Klein’s tried and simple four-step process to train crows.

The first step presents the crow with food and a butt on a tray in the machine. The food is always there, next to the butt, so the crow learns to come back for more.

The second step takes away the food, and only drops it just after the crow arrives. “So the crow gets used to the machine doing things,” Bob says.

“The third step is crucial,” they tell me. In this step, the food is completely removed, leaving only the butt on the tray. The crow, used to getting food only for being there, will start to nose (beak?) around, eventually knocking the butt off the tray into the butt receptacle. The food drops when that happens.

“The fourth step is the only step where humans are involved. When the crow is comfortable with step 3, a person scatters a couple dozen butts around the machine. Now the crow has to find out it can pick up those butts and deposit them in the machine,” Ruben concludes.

Once the butts around the machine are finished, the crow will go looking for butts in the ‘wild’.


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