Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, June 01, 2018
think twice about all the damage you do when you say the word “Nazi” [...] (saying “Soup Nazi” means you’re minimizing the Holocaust), “illegal alien” or “third world.” Also, don’t say “thug” because you might hurt their feelings, not to mention “lame,” “man up” or “are you deaf?” [...] “blind spot” and “blind alley” increasingly get labeled “ableist.” [...] “I want to die” is offensive to the suicidal, [...] “crazy, psycho” [is offensive to crazy psychos].
“Basket case” is offensive to WWI vets, "long time no see” is making fun of the way Indians talk, “No can do” constitutes cruel mockery of Chinese immigrants, “Hysterical” is sexist, “grandfathered in” is offensive to blacks


Protesters block Silicon Valley shuttles, smash Google bus window
Protesters block Silicon Valley shuttles, smash Google bus window


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