Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, August 05, 2011
Freel Peak "chipmunk" video Aug 2003.
Freel Peak "chipmunk" video Aug 2003.

Freel peak is highest peak on Tahoe at 10886 ft = 3318 m, this was the highest Marianna could ever get at the time.

Freel Peak "chipmunk"

Golden-mantled ground squirrel (Callospermophilus lateralis) "суслик золотистый" ukr: "ховрах золотистий". This squirrel is usually mistaken for a Chipmunk (Tamias) "Бурундук" . Chipmunks have stripes on their heads and five black stripes on their backs.

As you can tell, it was still time when we were feeding chipmunks. Later we learned 2 things. (1) it's not a chipmunk. (2) whatever it is, feeding them is wrong. Although because you can hear me say "Не давай им так много, они же зажрутся".


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