Oleg Zabluda's blog
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Facebook shut down an anonymous group used by its Trump-supporting employees
Facebook shut down an anonymous group used by its Trump-supporting employees
Facebook shut down an anonymous online group for employees [with hundreds of members, created in May 2015] in late 2016 after it was increasingly used to talk about Donald Trump and other US presidential candidates. [...] The group was abruptly shut down by Facebook in December 2016. [...] after the divisiveness of the US presidential election transformed the forum into a hub for political comments that alarmed management,
Facebook Anon first became controversial inside Facebook after employees used it to debate the Black Lives Matter movement in early 2016, according to a former group member. It was around that time that Zuckerberg denounced employees who crossed out "Black Lives Matter" and wrote "All Lives Matter" on the walls of Facebook’s California headquarters.
“There was a feeling that everyone at the company was a Democrat or left-leaning,” [...] "I don’t think they really thought there would be too many people on the Trump side,"

Facebook decided to pull the plug on the group one month after Trump was elected president. Zuckerberg explained why during one of the company’s regular all-hands meetings three months later.


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