Oleg Zabluda's blog
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Robust Adversarial Examples | OpenAI | Anish Athalye
Robust Adversarial Examples | OpenAI | Anish Athalye
We’ve created images that reliably fool neural network classifiers when viewed from varied scales and perspectives.
Out-of-the-box adversarial examples do fail under image transformations. Below, we show the same cat picture, adversarially perturbed to be incorrectly classified as a desktop computer by Inception v3 trained on ImageNet. A zoom of as little as 1.002 causes the classification probability for the correct label tabby cat to override the adversarial label desktop computer.
By adding random rotations, translations, scales, noise, and mean shifts to our training perturbations, the same technique produces a single input that remains adversarial under any of these transformations.


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