Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, July 24, 2017
The director of Caltrans [Malcolm Dougherty] said the state's highway management system has already begun modifying roadways to accommodate the way self-driving cars navigate.

“The automated vehicles (AVs) can follow lane lines [...] They can’t follow the Botts’ Dots, so we’re actually changing our delineation standards to go away from the Botts’ Dots which we’ve been using for decades because AVs have a difficult time following those.” [...] aims to have the state's highways and interstates modified within the next two to three years. California has around 50,000 miles of roadways.

“All of our lane lines are going to get thicker. Today our lane lines are only four inches thick. Now every lane line we lie down going forward is going to be six inches thick.”


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