Oleg Zabluda's blog
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Unsupervised Sentiment Neuron
Unsupervised Sentiment Neuron
We’ve developed an unsupervised system which learns an excellent representation of sentiment, despite being trained only to predict the next character in the text of Amazon reviews.

A linear model using this representation achieves state-of-the-art sentiment analysis accuracy on a small but extensively-studied dataset, the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (we get 91.8% accuracy versus the previous best of 90.2%), and can match the performance of previous supervised systems using 30-100x fewer labeled examples. Our representation also contains a distinct “sentiment neuron” which contains almost all of the sentiment signal.
We were very surprised that our model learned an interpretable feature, and that simply predicting the next character in Amazon reviews resulted in discovering the concept of sentiment. We believe the phenomenon is not specific to our model, but is instead a general property of certain large neural networks that are trained to predict the next step or dimension in their inputs.


We first trained a multiplicative LSTM with 4,096 units on a corpus of 82 million Amazon reviews to predict the next character in a chunk of text. Training took one month across four NVIDIA Pascal GPUs, with our model processing 12,500 characters per second.

These 4,096 units (which are just a vector of floats) can be regarded as a feature vector representing the string read by the model. After training the mLSTM, we turned the model into a sentiment classifier by taking a linear combination of these units, learning the weights of the combination via the available supervised data.

Sentiment neuron

While training the linear model with L1 regularization, we noticed it used surprisingly few of the learned units. Digging in, we realized there actually existed a single “sentiment neuron” that’s highly predictive of the sentiment value.

Just like with similar models, our model can be used to generate text. Unlike those models, we have a direct dial to control the sentiment of the resulting text: we simply overwrite the value of the sentiment neuron.
Next steps

Our results are a promising step towards general unsupervised representation learning. We found the results by exploring whether we could learn good quality representations as a side effect of language modeling, and scaled up an existing model on a carefully-chosen dataset. Yet the underlying phenomena remain more mysterious than clear.
Our results suggest that there exist settings where very large next-step-prediction models learn excellent unsupervised representations. Training a large neural network to predict the next frame in a large collection of videos may result in unsupervised representations for object, scene, and action classifiers.


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