Oleg Zabluda's blog
Thursday, May 18, 2017
NVIDIA Volta Unveiled: GV100 GPU and Tesla V100 Accelerator Announced
NVIDIA Volta Unveiled: GV100 GPU and Tesla V100 Accelerator Announced
Tensor Cores are a new type of core for Volta that can, at a high level, be thought of as a more rigid, less flexible (but still programmable) core geared specifically for Tensor deep learning operations. These cores are essentially a mass collection of ALUs for performing 4x4 Matrix operations; specifically a fused multiply add (A*B+C), multiplying two 4x4 FP16 matrices together, and then adding that result to an FP16 or FP32 4x4 matrix to generate a final 4x4 FP32 matrix.

A single Tensor Core performs the equivalent of 64 FMA operations per clock (for 128 FLOPS total), and with 8 such cores per SM, 1024 FLOPS per clock per SM. By comparison, even with pure FP16 operations, the standard CUDA cores in an SM only generate 256 FLOPS per clock. So in scenarios where these cores can be used, NV is slated to be able to deliver 4x the performance versus Pascal.
previously announced NVLink 2, [...] up from 20GB/sec bidirectional to 25GB/sec bidirectional – there are now 6 NVLinks per GPU for GV100, 2 more than on GP100. Critically, NVLInk 2 also introduces cache coherency allowing the GPUs to be cache coherent with CPUs.


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