Oleg Zabluda's blog
Saturday, April 08, 2017
Why Momentum Really Works
Why Momentum Really Works
Momentum proposes the following tweak to gradient descent. [...] The new algorithm may seem at first glance like a cheap hack. A simple trick to get around gradient descent's more aberrant behavior -- a smoother for oscillations between steep canyons. But the truth, if anything, is the other way round. It is gradient descent which is the hack. First, momentum gives up to a quadratic speedup on many functions. 1 This is no small matter -- this is similar to the speedup you get from the Fast Fourier Transform, Quicksort, and Grover's Algorithm. When the universe gives you quadratic speedups, you should start to pay attention.
With barely a modicum of extra effort, we have essentially square rooted the condition number! These gains, in principle, require explicit knowledge of λ​1 and λn. But the formulas reveal a simple guideline. When the problem's conditioning is poor, the optimal α is approximately twice that of gradient descent, and the momentum term is close to 1. So set β as close to 1 as you can, and then find the highest α which still converges. Being at the knife's edge of divergence, like in gradient descent, is a good place to be.


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