Oleg Zabluda's blog
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
MIPS I6500 CPU sub-system with NetSpeed's Gemini IP provides highly efficient processing for vision applications
MIPS I6500 CPU sub-system with NetSpeed's Gemini IP provides highly efficient processing for vision applications
Imagination IP licensed by Mobileye for next-generation ADAS and autonomous driving
EyeQ®5 SoC, [...] is expected to increase performance 8x over the current 4th generation EyeQ®4. The EyeQ®5 will produce more than 15 tera operations per second, while keeping power consumption below 5W,
Within our advanced EyeQ®5 SoC, MIPS I6500 cores are coherently coupled with Mobileye's Vision Processors supported by NetSpeed's Gemini cache coherent interconnect IP. [...] will use eight MIPS I6500 CPUs in combination with eighteen cores of Mobileye's next-generation vision processors.


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