Oleg Zabluda's blog
Saturday, October 29, 2016
When Palantir Technologies Inc. executives entered the Pentagon to pitch Army officials in August 2009, [...] the conversation went poorly. The slacks and dress shirts with a few buttons undone that Palantir executives wore may have been a step up for sunny California where hoodies are the norm but were a sign of disrespect at the Pentagon, according to a person familiar with the meeting.
They told Palantir: “Don’t come to the E-ring without a tie unless your name is Gates or Buffet,” said the person, referring to the portion of the Pentagon occupied by senior officials. “They couldn't get over the tie thing. They didn't care about the technology.”
The fashion faux pas was probably trivial; companies don't win or lose multi-million-dollar contracts solely based on what people wear. Still, the cultural disconnect highlights clashing styles that festered in subsequent years and then calcified into "entrenched animosity towards Palantir" with Army officials canceling tests designed to assess Palantir's technology and then lying about it to Congress, according to redacted court documents filed by Palantir.
So Palantir sued. This summer the company claimed the Army operated with bad faith and bias, and broke the law when it failed to comply with a provision requiring government agencies to choose commercially available products over custom-built ones.


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