Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, October 14, 2016
I’m a Doctor. If I Drop Food on the Kitchen Floor, I Still Eat It.
I’m a Doctor. If I Drop Food on the Kitchen Floor, I Still Eat It.
even though I know bacteria can accumulate in less than five seconds, I will still eat food that has fallen on my kitchen floor. Why? Because my kitchen floor isn’t really that dirty. [...] there are so many places in your house that pose more of a concern than the floor.
kitchen floor was likely to harbor, on average, about three colonies per square inch of coliform bacteria (2.75 to be exact). [...] that’s cleaner than both the refrigerator handle (5.37 colonies per square inch) and the kitchen counter (5.75 colonies per square inch). [...] toilet seat [... ] (0.68 colonies per square inch). What’s dirtier in the bathroom? Almost everything. The flush handle (34.65 colonies per square inch), the sink faucet (15.84 colonies per square inch) and the counter (1.32 colonies per square inch).

Things get dirty when lots of hands touch them and when we don’t think about it. We worry about the floor and the toilet seat, so we clean them more. We don’t think about the refrigerator handle or the faucet handle as much.

[...] 95 percent of mobile phones carried by health care workers were contaminated with nosocomial bacteria. Of those contaminated with staph aureus, more than half were contaminated with methicillin resistant bacteria (MRSA).

[...] one-dollar bills [...] 94 percent were colonized by bacteria, 7 percent of which were pathogenic to healthy people and 87 percent of which were pathogenic to people who were hospitalized or who had compromised immune systems. [...] I see people pay for food every day and then eat [...] the money [...] could be much dirtier than the floor.
The dirtiest thing in your kitchen, by far, is likely to be the sponge you keep near the sink. [...] on average, more than 20 million colonies per square inch.


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