Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, September 26, 2016
Self-Driving Cars Were Just Around the Corner—in 1960
Self-Driving Cars Were Just Around the Corner—in 1960
on a test track in Princeton, N.J. Cars drove themselves around the track, using sensors on their front bumpers to detect an electrical cable embedded in the road. The cable carried signals warning of obstructions ahead (like road work or a stalled vehicle), and the car could autonomously apply its brakes or switch lanes as necessary.
According to the RCA vision, it would be just a decade or two until all highway driving was autonomous, with human drivers taking over only when their exit approached.


Well, the system was very simple. [..] When the automobile rolled over the cable it changed the cable impedance so that it produced a signal. That indicated speed and location and gave information for traffic lights and counting automobiles, and so forth.

Patent: Automatic control system for vehicles, Vladimir K Zworykin et al


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