Oleg Zabluda's blog
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Many years ago I heard a radio broadcast featuring a beeping sound that always seemed to come from behind me. The announcer said that the sound would have this quality and it did, even when I turned around. It was a plain beep, and the radio only had one loudspeaker. It was a complete mystery to me then and it still is, so can anyone explain the effect?
When a sound comes from behind you, it enters the ear canal from a particular angle, causing it to pass over a specific part of the outer ear. [...] To create a sound that constantly seems to be coming from behind you [...]. A microphone is placed inside the ear canal of a mannequin head with a realistically shaped outer ear. This alters any sound [OZ: presumably from behind] before it reaches the microphone [...] When it is played back, you perceive the sound to be behind you, regardless of where your radio is positioned.


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