Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, November 26, 2012
Stinking Russula (Russula foetens) "Сыроежка вонючая" (Укр.
Stinking Russula (Russula foetens) "Сыроежка вонючая" (Укр. сироїжка смердюча) aka Валуй. Wikipedia says it's an inedible (note, not poisonous) mushroom. Inedible my ass. Russian Wikipedia goes ever farther:  "Жгуче-горькая на вкус, может вызывать тошноту, запах неприятный".

In 1986, we were collecting them in Estonia by the bucket. Every single one was always just choke full of maggots throughout.  Clearly, they didn't think these mushrooms were inedible.

We were putting them into huge tubs full of salt water, on slow heat. Maggots were crawling out and were swimming on the surface in thick mats, about 1 inch deep, which we then drained off. Nevertheless, only a small portion of them did manage to get out, before dying in their mushroomy tombs, no mater how slowly we tried to heat it up. Whoever didn't get out in time, served as extra protein supplement.  

Some gourmand refused to eat the shrooms: "объедки не ем". Не хо, не на. More for us.



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