Oleg Zabluda's blog
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
"Free Pussy" is a riot cry of some Americans, but Russians all agree that the crime was indeed committed, only...
"Free Pussy" is a riot cry of some Americans, but Russians all agree that the crime was indeed committed, only disagreeing about the punishment.

The reason for the difference goes back to church Council in Trullo (Трулльский собор) of the year 692. Pussy Riot was tried in Khamovniki Court, which referenced several regulations passed there and broken by the sacrilegious Pussy.

Catholics (and by extension Protestants) never adopted the canons, flatly rejected by Pope Sergius I (650–701), starting the conflict with Orthodox church, culminating in complete split. That's the root of the current disagreement.

Canon 62 - ...we wish to be abolished from the life of the faithful. And also the public dances of women, which may do much harm and mischief. Moreover we drive away from the life of Christians the dances ... whether of men or women, and which are performed after an ancient and un-Christian fashion; decreeing that no man from this time forth shall be dressed as a woman, nor any woman in the garb suitable to men. Nor shall he assume comic, satyric, or tragic masks; ... (...всенародные женския плясания, великий вред и пагубу наносить могущия, ... или женским полом производимые плясания и обряды, по некоему старинному и чуждому Христианского жития обычаю совершаемые, отвергаем, и определяем: никакому мужу не одеваться в женскую одежду, ни жене в одежду мужа свойственную; не носить личин комических, или сатирических, или трагических; ...)

Canon 75 - We will that those whose office it is to sing in the churches do not use undisciplined vociferations, nor force nature to shouting, nor adopt any of those modes which are incongruous and unsuitable for the church: but that they offer the psalmody to God, who is the observer of secrets, with great attention and compunction... (чтобы приходящие в церковь для пения не употребляли бесчинных воплей, не вынуждали из себя неестественнаго крика, и не вводили ничего несообразнаго и несвойственнаго церкви: но с великим вниманием и умилением приносили псалмопения Богу, назирающему сокровенное)

Same Council had other Canons (102 total), not referenced by the Court, for example.

Canon 11 - Let no one ... eat the unleavened bread of the Jews, nor have any familiar intercourse with them, nor summon them in illness, nor receive medicines from them, nor bathe with them; ... (Никто ... отнюдь не должен ясти опресноки, даваемые иудеями, или вступать в содружество с ними, ни в болезнях призывать их, и врачества принимать от них, ни в банях купно с ними мытися. ...)



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