Oleg Zabluda's blog
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Russia - the birthplace of fables (Россия - родина басен) or so I though in the first grade, when...
Russia - the birthplace of fables (Россия - родина басен) or so I though in the first grade, when communist indoctrination continued (after kindergarten) at school in a form of learning by heart fables by Крылов (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Крылов,_Иван_Андреевич). No mention was made that fables existed elsewhere (foreign literature was 8th grade).

In ~5th grade, in Ukrainian literature class we started learning by heart fables by Глібов. They were identical to Крылов's, except in Ukrainian. I was sure it was the same person i.e. "Крылов" in Ukrainian is "Глібов" [1] типа Пушкин ==> Гарматник (i.e. Пушка ==> Гармата).

Marianna Dizik, when in 5th grade, knew it wasn't so and was asking her teacher if Глібов's are translations of Крылов's. The teacher said "no", Глібов came up with identical plots independently, and is in fact better and more "revolutionary". Still no mention was made about any foreign fables.

We both learned about alleged Aesop much later, a lot already in USA. It does not appear that the commies were actually hiding something (Aesop's fables were pro-underclass and anti-establishment), just our teachers (and apparently textbooks) sucked.


[1] as Russian wikipedia says:
Леонид Иванович Глебов (литературный псевдоним "Леонид Глибов")


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