Oleg Zabluda's blog
Thursday, August 16, 2012
On the recommendation of SR-71 pilot I met at the 2009 Maker Faire (with other pilots concurring) we watched...
On the recommendation of SR-71 pilot I met at the 2009 Maker Faire (with other pilots concurring) we watched "Strategic Air Command" (1955) on in June of 2009.  The following is a "copy" of email I sent out at the time


The quality was acceptable, but of course nowhere near what the orginal VistaVision should produce.

The movie stars B-36 (and co-stars B-47) (первым делом самолёты). It made me appreciate B-36 much more then I ever did.  Before, I thought of it as an ugly hodge-podge made for no good reason. Now I appreciate that it was simply pushing the absolute limits of technology at the time.

B-36 started SAC as we know it i.e. intercontinental thermonuclear.

If Britain lost the war, it would be B-36 who would be delivering the nukes.

Other things I learned or recalled from

1. It could fly for 50 hours.
2. In the reconnaissance config, it had a ceiling of 47000 ft, and flew over USSR until U-2 was deployed, .
3. ANP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_Nuclear_Propulsion) used a modified B-36.


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