Oleg Zabluda's blog
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Fritz Haber, born 1896, a converted German Jew (выкрест) was a chemist.
Fritz Haber, born 1896, a converted German Jew (выкрест) was a chemist. In 1894-1911, he, with Carl Bosch, developed the Haber process for formation of ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen, which is used for fertilizer (currently sustaining 1/3 of Earth population) and explosives (important for Germany in WWI, because the other source - guano - was blockaded by the British.

Haber earned fifteen marks (about $3.50 in 1918 dollars) in royalties per ton, becoming quite wealthy together with his wife Clara Immerwahr, who he married in 1901. She was the first woman to earn Ph.D (in chemistry) from University of Breslau.

When WWI started in 1914, he, being a very patriotic German, played a major role in creating WMD (father of chemical warfare), and personally supervised their first use in 1915 (Belgium), intending to break trench warfare stalemate (similar to American WMDs in WWII). Shortly after that, his wife, who violently disagreed with him on the subject, shot herself in the chest with his service revolver. The morning after her death, Haber immediately left home to stage the first gas attack against the Russians on the Eastern Front.

Haber and Bosch shared Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918.

He became famous, rich and respected in Germany, and Nazis offered him special funding to continue his research on weapons. However, other Jews were prohibited from working in that field, and he was told to fire them, all that causing him to leave Germany in 1933. The Nazis vilified him. 

He accepted a post of director at what is now the Weizmann Institute in what is now Israel. On his way there he died in 1934. He was cremated and his ashes, together with Clara's ashes, were buried in Switzerland. 

Their son, Hermann, born in 1902, emigrated to the United States, where he committed suicide in 1946, because of his shame over his father's chemical warfare work

Bosch, a critic of many Nazi policies, was gradually relieved of his high positions after Hitler became chancellor, and fell into despair and alcoholism and died in Germany in 1940.

Hitler and his wife committed suicide in 1945.

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