Oleg Zabluda's blog
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Seven Bridges of Königsberg, is a classic math problem, shown to have no solutions by Leonard Euler (1707-1783)...
Seven Bridges of Königsberg, is a classic math problem, shown to have no solutions by Leonard Euler (1707-1783) in 1735. There were some non-traditional solutions, like an Kaiser Wilhelm I ordering to build an 8th bridge and stuff.

How about the following non-traditional solution:

1. Declare a war on the British and the Russians at the same time.
2. Have British Lancasters bomb the hell out of the the town at night
3. Have the Russians storm it, destroying >90% of the city,and 2 bridges
4. Have the Russians forcibly expel the entire German population.
5. Rename it Kaliningrad.
6. Have the Russians demolish 2 more bridges, and replace with a highway.
7. Now that there are only 5 bridges and there is a solution.
8. ????
9. Profit

Sounds too far-fetched? Or impractical? Yet, that's exactly what happened. Life is stranger then fiction (because fiction has to make sense).


via Matt Austern


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