Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, July 09, 2012
Everybody must be asking themselves in the evening: what is that planet near Spica?

Everybody must be asking themselves in the evening: what is that planet near Spica? And what is that other reddish planet to the right of Spica half-way to Denebola/Regul?

Can't be Mercury (too far from the Sun), can't be Venus (just crossed the Sun during transit, and is now on the other side - a morning planet). Their magnitude is ~= to Spica/Regul (+1.0), too dim to be Jupiter (mag -1.6 to -2.9) or Venus for that matter (mag −3.8 to −4.9). BTW, Jupiter is also on the other side of the Sun, near Venus.

By elimination, the reddish one is Mars, God of War, and the white one is Saturn, God of Agriculture, right at home in Virgo, near Spica (колосок). So it's either a Ménage à trois (Virgo my ass) or the two are going to fight over her (I put my money on Mars). 

See also:
Non-alcoholic cocktail "Saturn отлично виден in Virgo, with Mars". Ménage à trois, бесстыжие or Immortal Kombat (Test your Might!)


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