Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, July 09, 2012
1978 Nobel prize in Physics was awarded to American radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson for their...
1978 Nobel prize in Physics was awarded to American radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson for their serendipitous discovery of CMB in 1964. The story and the controversy is well-known, and the best quote on the subject is by the Robert Wilson himself from

Nova "Origins: Back to the Beginning" (Sep 29, 2004)
ROBERT WILSON: When the Nobel Prize was announced I think probably one of the first things that I thought about was, "Do I really deserve this?" And "Should my name be on the same list with as Einstein?" Which just seemed completely wrong. Over the years I guess I've come to understand that the Nobel Prize is given for discovering something, not for being the smartest person around. So while there are much smarter people around, we did something significant and I feel comfortable with it now.


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