Oleg Zabluda's blog
Sunday, June 17, 2012
"We'll Meet Again" (1939), is one of the most famous war-love songs of the WW2, performed by British singer Vera...
"We'll Meet Again" (1939), is one of the most famous war-love songs of the WW2, performed by British singer Vera Lynn. It was used in Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" (1964), one of the best movies ever made:

Dr. Strangelove

20 British underground bunker radio stations WTBS (1955-1993), were to broadcast this song for 100 days after a Soviet nuclear attack. The Soviets likely would just play "Swan Lake".



"Наш бронепоезд" (1935)
"Катюша" (1938)
"Синий Платочек" (1939)
"Любимый город" (1939)
"Спят курганы темные" (1939)
"Бьётся в тесной печурке огонь" (1941)

Владимир Трошин - Каховка
КАТЮША текст Russian song from WWII
Клавдия Шульженко "Синий Платочек" ("Концерт Фронту")
Любимый город
Спят курганы темные-Большая жизнь
В землянке (In The Dugout)


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