Oleg Zabluda's blog
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Falcon Heavy, previously known as the Falcon 9 Heavy, renamed after redesign and increased payload.
Falcon Heavy, previously known as the Falcon 9 Heavy, renamed after redesign and increased payload. 53 ,000 tons to LEO, 19 tons to GEO 16-14 tons to Moon/Mars trajectory. First launch from Vandenberg AFB.

Falcon Heavy will be the first rocket in history to feature propellant cross-feed from the side boosters to the center core, which will still carry the majority of its propellant after the side boosters separate.

The fact that the center core's engines were lit on the ground gives risk/reliability advantages of a two stage rocket while retaining payload advantages of a three stage rocket (20-30% improvement).

Soviet Moon rocket N-1 has 30 LOX/RP-1 NK-15 engines thrust(SL) 1505 kN, Isp(vac) - 331s, thrust:weight=137:1 Falcon Heavy has 27 LOX/RP- Merlin 1D engines: thrust(SL) 620 kN, Isp (vac) - 310 s, thrust:weight=160:1

Originally shared by SpaceX

Intelsat and SpaceX announce the first commercial contract for the Falcon Heavy rocket.


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