Oleg Zabluda's blog
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Snooty French and American sophisticates were sure that the French wine was better then California wine.
Snooty French and American sophisticates were sure that the French wine was better then California wine. They were proven wrong in a double-blind test in France in what became known as The Judgment of Paris. A book and a movie were made about it.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bottle_Shock (We watched it, it's OK).

It was in 1976. The results were replicated in 1978, twice in 1986, and in 2006
with California wine lead over French monotonically increasing, and by 2006 all California wines (except one) were better then all French ones.

The reason for this was, as typical, American innovation vs French traditionalism. The French had a lot of stupid traditions how to make wine, both informal (due to laziness) and formal (to prevent fraud or keep the competition out). While Californians were and still are experimenting on how to improve things.


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