Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, March 09, 2012
В недрах тундры выдры в гетрах тырят в вёдрах ядра кедров!
В недрах тундры выдры в гетрах тырят в вёдрах ядра кедров! Содрав с выдры в тундре гетры, вытру выдрой ядра кедра, вытру гетрой выдре морду - ядра в вёдра, выдру в тундру.

This tong-twister (скороговорка) was going around and around for a long time, being polished, as normal folk art is. Today, for the first time, I saw it polished enough to be done, after a trivial edit by me.

The oldest mention of it online in in this form, I found was from 11.06.2011 here:
via Serge Vakulenko on FB


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