Oleg Zabluda's blog
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
A lot of time-travel stories involve you being your own grandfather [1].
A lot of time-travel stories involve you being your own grandfather [1]. I never encountered one where you are your own father. There is a good reason for that. If you are your own father, where did your Y-chromosome come from, huh? No such problem exist if you are your own grandfather. Then your Y-chromosome came from your other grandfather. If you are a boy, you can't be your own mother or grandmother. If you are a girl, you can't be your own mother, but can be your own grandmother, for the same reasons as above. Just imagine one of your Y-chromosomes marked with a small letter "Y".

[1] The most convoluted example I know, is in a science fiction short story by Robert A. Heinlein "—All You Zombies—" (1958). Michio Kaku in "Hyperspace" drew his/her timeline: http://books.google.com/books?id=_HBtAHuG6dwC&pg=PA241 He is his own father, mother, grandfather and grandmother.



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