Oleg Zabluda's blog
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Majority of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen are deeply sick, the others are just disturbing.
Majority of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen are deeply sick, the others are just disturbing. Those who only know or remember only Disney versions, good for you. The sickest ones are "The Little Mermaid", "The Little Match Girl", "The Wild Swans", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

Who knew that a collection of German fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm gives him a good run for the money. Good thing that at the end of WWII allies banned Grimm tales in Germany because they "contributed to Nazi savagery".


And don't even get me started on the Russian fairy tales, which glorify mostly stupidity, sloth, thievery, lies, brutality, vandalism, cruelty, unfairness, and have no positive characters.


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