Oleg Zabluda's blog
Monday, January 16, 2012
At night all cats are gray. What a bunch of nonsense.
At night all cats are gray. What a bunch of nonsense.

Lidia and Irene are heterozygotic twin sisters. Their mother was calico cat Daria, and their father was a huge black cat. Lidia is indeed grey at night. But Irene is not only not grey at night, she is actually more black than the darkness itself (темнее чем сама чернота). At night, you can tell she is there, by the darker black hole moving about in overall darkness. And when the moon is full, color-wise it's business as usual.

...Этот кот от ушей до хвоста
Был черней чем сама чернота...
Валерий Сюткин. Черный кот
«Чёрный кот» — песня Юрия Саульского на стихи Михаила Танича. (1963)



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