Oleg Zabluda's blog
Friday, December 30, 2011
Тимур Шаов - "Султан Брунея"
Тимур Шаов - "Султан Брунея"

Жизнь идет, прорабы строят,
Парикмахеры стригут,
Дети спят, шахтеры роют,
Заключенные бегут.

Каждый свято исполняет
Предначертанную роль,
Энтропия возрастает,
Дорожает алкоголь.

If there is one thing that infuriates me, it's scientific imprecision in poetry. Should be

Entropy неубывает,
Недешевеет ethanol.

After Big Bang was discovered in 1964, it was thought that entropy in the observable universe is mostly in CMB. In 1975, it was realized that most of the entropy is in the black holes. After accelerating expansion of the Universe was discovered in 1998, it was realized that the entropy is mostly in the cosmological horizon. When I have time, I'll write it up, together with with Unruh radiation and Rindler horizon for accelerating observer, with associated entropy, and why there is no Unruh-like radiation for circular motion (no horizon).


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